Self care – it’s something we hear a lot about, isn’t it? Whether it’s Self Care Sunday, self care routines, or self care secrets, it seems to be everywhere. But hey, I do the same thing! I talk a lot about self care on my blog and social platforms. Why? Because self care matters, and I feel like people these days don’t take it seriously. That’s why I created a list of the best self care activities for women. To remind you of the importance of it. 

If you’re a mom, it’s highly likely that you’ve put yourself and your needs on the backburner. You no longer worry a lot about what you might be needing. When was the last time you had a quiet bath? How about the last time you got to sit down in front of the TV and watch your favorite movie? When did you last get to sit in silence eating your breakfast, or reading a book? These are all considered self care activities.

Crop black woman with skincare products, about to practice her favorite self care activities in a fuzzy white bathrobe.

Self Care Activities for Women:

Aside from soaking in a warm bubble bath, watching your favorite TV show, eating your favorite breakfast, or reading a good book, what other self care activities can you try?

Well, for starters, you could:

Go on a hike,

Go to a spa, or

Practice Yoga or daily stretching.

OH YES, self care activities can be anything you want them to be! They can be anything that makes you feel good and isn’t harmful.

Woman in bubble bath enjoying self care activities -drinking wine, eating fresh fruit, and getting alone time.

After talking to a lot of moms, I discovered they all had a similar thought toward self care. Everyone said they didn’t have time. One way you can ensure you have time for self care activities is to be an early riser. I think some moms choose to be night owls because it’s easier to stay up than to wake up, but that’s the wrong idea!

Waking earlier not only gives you quiet time alone, but it helps reduce mental disorders such as depression and anxiety.

So, after you become an early riser, what self care activities can you do?

Here’s a list of 10 ideas you can try:

  1. Go to therapy at least once a month. (This way you can have someone to talk to about anything you may be going through. Being a mother is hard, going to college is hard, being an adult is hard. Make sure you have someone to vent to.)
  2. Go for walks around a local park, or put a treadmill in front of a window. (In short, just make sure you’re getting exercise! Remember to move and stay active.)
  3. Journal daily or weekly. (You can journal about anything and everything. Your thoughts, what you did that day, something you’re grateful for, etc.)
  4. Get your nails/hair done. (I don’t know about you, but when I get my hair or nails done I feel like a new woman ready to conquer the world!)
  5. Start scrapbooking! (Oh, this is a fun one! Print off a bunch of photos you have on your phone and add them to cute books!)
  6. Pray more. (Yes, as Christians, we all fall behind at times on what we should be doing. If you’re busy and always moving, I bet you’ve slacked a bit in your prayer routine. GET BACK INTO IT, GIRL! God can help you in so many ways, don’t keep him out of your mind and heart for long.)
  7. Visit old friends or family. (When is the last time you saw your grandparents or parents? When did you last have a friend over? Who is someone you miss but “haven’t had time” for?)
  8. Cook a nutritious dinner. (Have you been ordering pizza or cooking quick microwave meals? Go buy fresh ingredients and try a healthy, fulfilling mean for once.)
  9. Organize/Redecorate your room. (This can be so beneficial to you! A happy, clutter free home = a happy, clutter free mind.)
  10. Find a new hobby! (Anything that you have an excuse to get away and do. Maybe this hobby brings extra income to your family. Maybe it’s a creative outlet.)

Let me know in the comments which self care idea you enjoyed most, and which (if any) you’ll be trying!

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  1. Cooking definitely does the job! You feel different when your food is healthy and packed with vitamins and minerals. I think people are sometimes depressed, not knowing it can be caused only by a lack of nutrients. Solo hiking trips in the wilderness with my dogs bring me back to my magic. I miss it so sooo much – all of it, packing everything into a decent backpack, driving to the mountains with some good music, sleeping in the car in some wild place near the trail, the sweat, the views, the joy of discovering new mountain shelters, meeting people you never knew before, campfires in the evening, the smell of Turkish coffee cooked in my old tiny pot in the morning,… Hopefully, next year, I’ll be back on track and send you some beautiful photos from some mountain top in Greece 🙂 Great post by the way!

    1. Wow, I’m jealous of your traveling adventures! I’ve traveled around a little, but haven’t experienced it the way you describe. I also love your About page on your website – what a great story about travel, connection, and food! I hope everything works out for you and you’re able to do more of what you love, and I look forward to seeing those photos! I’ve always wanted to visit Greece – maybe I can one day.

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