This post is about the important of prioritizing yourself to live happier and healthier.
How often do you do something for someone else that you really would rather not do? How many times have you put your own needs on the back burner so you could satisfy those around you? I’m guessing you can’t even give me a number, and instead are saying “too many times”.
If that’s you, don’t worry; I hear you and I’m here to help.

Did you know that prioritizing yourself is actually a form of self care? We’ve discussed a multitude of self care topics recently, such as How to have a self care Sunday, Self care activities for women and more. However, we have not discussed the power and importance of self prioritization as a form of self care. Well, today we will.
What does it mean to prioritize yourself?
Let’s play a little game of imagination.
Imagine you’re eating a snack in the middle of the day, and it’s the first and only thing you’ve eaten all day. You’ve managed to make breakfast and lunch for your kids, but between other chores you never got the chance to eat something yourself. Now, an hour after lunch, you have a free second to grab a snack. As you stand at the kitchen island eating as quickly as you can without choking, your kid comes up to you and asks for a bite.
You shake your head. “No, I need to eat something so I don’t get sick. This is all I have time for right now.”
Now your kid looks at you, frowning. They start acting up and throwing a fit that you won’t share. Any other time I’d have to force you to eat, now you willingly want my food? You’re tired, irritable, and hungry, but your kid insists they’re hungry, too, despite the meal they just had an hour ago.
Now you have a choice to make.
Are you going to give your kid that snack just because they say they’re hungry, or are you going to make sure you get something to eat before the evening hits? Are you going to give them what they want, or will you give yourself what you need?
Here’s another scenario to think about:
You block off time every two weeks for a yoga class. It’s the only time you get to yourself. A friend, who you help often, says she needs your help to move on the day of your class. She says she doesn’t want to move on any other day because this is the only day the U-Haul will be on discount price.
Now, do you sacrifice your only day to yourself to help her just so she can get a discount?
Must you constantly schedule your time around others? Why not allow them to schedule around you for a change, at least just one day? Right? Why do they never take your time as seriously as their own? Your time is just as valuable and important as anyone else’s, isn’t it?
Examples of prioritizing yourself:
To prioritize yourself means making your own well-being, needs, and desires a top priority in your life. Itโs about actively taking the time to care for your physical, emotional, and mental health, setting boundaries, and ensuring that youโre not neglecting your own needs while trying to meet the demands of others or your responsibilities.
Here are a few ways you could practice prioritizing yourself in a healthy way:
- Self-Care: Regularly engaging in activities that rejuvenate you, whether itโs exercise, meditation, reading, or simply taking time to relax. Itโs about giving yourself permission to rest and recharge.
- Setting Boundaries: Knowing your limits and communicating them clearly. This might mean saying no to things that drain your energy or arenโt aligned with your needs, and recognizing when you need to step back.
- Being Kind to Yourself: Practicing self-compassion by forgiving yourself when you make mistakes and being patient with your growth. It means recognizing your worth and not being overly critical of yourself.
- Making Time for Yourself: Carving out time in your day or week to do things that nourish you, whether thatโs pursuing a hobby, spending time with loved ones, or just being alone.
- Focusing on Your Health: This involves making conscious choices that support your physical, mental, and emotional well-being, such as eating nutritious food, getting enough sleep, and managing stress.
Prioritizing yourself doesnโt mean you ignore the needs of others, but rather that you acknowledge that you canโt be your best for others if youโre not taking care of yourself first. Itโs about creating a balance where your well-being is respected and nurtured.
How can prioritizing your own needs benefit your health?
In a post by J. Schrader on Psychology Today, she writes, “If weโre not attuned to who we are and what we want, we can start to make sacrifices that donโt just hurt or limit us, but actually negatively impact those we care for.”
This is such a true statement.
You might become neglectful to those closest to you because you begin putting others first. You may not be home enough because you put your job or your boss above time with your family. Whatever it looks like for you, it doesn’t have to be that way.
Prioritizing your own needs can significantly improve both your physical and mental health in various ways. Here’s a few examples:
- Reduced Stress: When you regularly take care of yourself, you’re less likely to feel overwhelmed or burned out. By setting aside time to focus on your own well-being, you manage stress better and promote relaxation, which has positive effects on your overall health.
- Improved Mental Health: Self-care activitiesโwhether itโs engaging in hobbies, exercising, or simply taking time for yourselfโhelp boost your mood and mental clarity. It can combat feelings of anxiety and depression by giving you time to recharge and process emotions.
- Better Physical Health: Prioritizing your own needs often includes taking care of your body through proper nutrition, regular exercise, and adequate rest. This leads to improved energy levels, stronger immune systems, and reduced risk of chronic conditions.
- Increased Resilience: Taking care of yourself strengthens your ability to deal with lifeโs challenges. When you’re emotionally and physically well, youโre better equipped to handle stressors, making it easier to cope with tough situations.
- Improved Relationships: By focusing on your own needs, you become more self-aware and self-confident. This can help you engage in healthier, more balanced relationships with others, as youโre more in tune with your boundaries and can communicate more effectively.
A simple and FREE wellness guide:
So we’ve explored various details about prioritizing yourself, and how they can improve your life. But – what if you need more support in your journey? Well, with my 100% free online resource “Wellness Guide”, you can learn more about self prioritizing and becoming healthier. This eBook offers examples of healthy self prioritization so you have somewhere to start, and includes a few personal stories along the way. Don’t be afraid to do what’s best for YOU. Grab this free resource today and get started on your journey of healing and living a happier, healthier life.
Get the free eBook here: